provides geographical database of world cities with place names and region names. Free database of worldwide cities in text format suitable for any applications requiring a comprehensive list of cities and country code.
Jack L. said 13 year/s ago: Try I got one and find it good and less costly.
Most common cities in UTF-8 said 13 year/s ago: Any cities database should be encoded in UTF-8 (charset) for most common use.
worldcitiesdatabase said 13 year/s ago: When I was looking for a decent database of world cities for my web project, I tried using all of the free city databases out there. I even paid for a couple of them.
But none of them satisfied me. They either had too much useless information (like longitudes, administrative subdivisions for tiny countries, or thousands and thousands of entries for small countries) or too little.
This is why I decided to create my own database.
After that was done I decided to share the results of my work with the world.
I offer my database both in Excel and SQL formats. It has over 40,000 of U.S. cities and a total of over 70,000 cities. To me it is the perfect balance between completeness and usefulness.
If you are interested, visit and see if my database is right for you.
INI download? said 14 year/s ago: Anyone knows where I could download USA cities list in INI format?
usr said 14 year/s ago: thanks for the free database of world cities
Sijny said 14 year/s ago: great country database provider, really useful!
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